Dallas Cowboys Broadcaster Babe Laufenberg on Hosting the KLUV World Tour to Rome & Sorrento

By Casey Carr

April 3, 2017

I am back from my trip to Rome and Sorrento with my merry band of 41 other like-minded North Texas adventure seekers, and what a trip it was.

Arriving in Rome

After flying to Rome, and a day of semi-relaxation, we visited the Vatican, where perhaps the greatest work of art in history, the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo, has its home.  I had visited Rome and Vatican City previously, but without a guide.  Our guide was fantastic- what a difference it made in our understanding and appreciation for what we were seeing.  Instead of merely using our eyes, all five senses were now fully engaged.  Strongly recommend if taking a trip: 1) take it with Sharon Carr Travel, but if you make the mistake of not booking through Sharon Carr, 2) make sure you have someone guide you through the city.  Well worth the price.

The visit to the Colosseum was equally awe-inspiring.  I commented to one of our travelers, imagine if you lived in Rome and were going out for the evening with friends.  You might say, “I will meet you on the west side of the Colosseum.”

Ever told someone to meet you at the Starbucks “on Preston Road?”  Then found out after 30 minutes you were both at the Starbucks on Preston Road, but they were different Starbucks?  Not a lot of confusion when you say, “Meet you at the Colosseum.”  BTW.  If you are looking for a Starbucks, don’t.  I believe there is not one in the entire city.

A Special Day in Pompeii

The highlight for me was a trip to the excavations at Pompeii.  I had never been, and it’s just fascinating how sophisticated the engineering was at that time in history.  The trip to Pompeii was enhanced by our guide Kevin Dicus, who is a professor at the University of Oregon and currently doing some of the excavation at Pompeii.  He regaled us with some information that I am sure would have been unavailable to most.  Thank you, Kevin.

We were fortunate to have perfect weather for the entire trip.  We took the ferry from Sorrento to the Isle of Capri on a truly spectacular day, as I found out the Isle of Capri is not just a casino in Bossier City!

The sights were something we knew would be fantastic.  But also interesting- and a great case study- was how 42 relative strangers bonded during the 6-day trip.  There is always a ringleader, and that torch was carried quite admirably by Victor Caballero.  He is the kind of guy who has never met a stranger, and it went a long way toward loosening the group up from the get-go.

Good to be home, excited for the next adventure!

So… here is how the trip went – excited to get on the plane to Rome and begin the adventure, then excited to be coming home (anticipating your own bed and Mexican food as your first meal back), then excited once you get home, to be thinking about taking your next trip.  I know I am, and I am quite sure so is the rest of my merry band of 41 who travelled with me.

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